
Mario Kart Wii

Page history last edited by T 15 years ago

Please add your code first by country, then alphabetically by forum name for easy lookup. NTSC codes at top of page, PAL at bottom.




Forum Name Friend Code Mii Name City State/Province Country
Gabriel_Pitt 4425-2158-6187 Ser Dougie Nagahama SH JPN
AbsoluteZero 1032-1633-7277 Anthony Caledonia MN USA
AfroJ 0130-2576-7048 J Orlando FL USA
Arminas 0559-7196-3347 Arminas Berkeley CA USA
Azchristopher 0903-3155-8844 Chris Surprise AZ USA
B:L 0516-7637-2061 B:L Los Angeles CA USA
BigWah 5112-3781-8790 BigWah PA Belleville IL USA
Blast 2320-6628-5686 Bran Sacramento CA USA
Camui 4983-5315-0449 Camui Grand Prairie TX USA
chrono_traveller 5026-5150-8461 James Greenbelt MD USA
Cloudman 0388-0016-4037 Thomas Springfield MO USA
Cyrixd 0602-6970-9374 Tyler Boston MA USA
Darian 4296-3392-8740 Bry Richmond VA USA
Eyes5 3780-9629-8745 Eyes5 Burnaby BC Canada
Gamjee 1246-9121-5533 Gamjee Tulsa OK USA
Htown 3222-6090-3245 Nick Houston TX USA
Joemunkeh 1332-8176-9524 Munkeh Olympia WA USA
JonXP 3222-6114-3177 JonXP Atlanta GA USA
khain 1332-8119-1936 Asur Vancouver WA USA
Kor 3523-2582-9882 Jason Albuquerque NM USA
LordNibbler 0130-2338-6140 JP Harrison NY USA
maximumzero 4854-6985-1888 Milton New Orleans LA USA
Meatsock 5370-1334-9303 Mike Nacogdoches TX USA
mntorankusu 4768-8054-8721 mntoran Russellville KY USA
MoogPaul 3437-3586-7510 Moogpaul New Paltz NY USA
mr_ekim 1032-1639-6031 Mike Los Angeles CA USA
MrFancyPants 4425-1882-2614 Neal Knoxville TN USA
mts 1032-1647-7581 Le Mitch Davis CA USA
Octopus Melody 3866-8411-7221 Tim St. Pete FL USA
Pagan_CyC 4339-3705-0157 Pagan_CyC Suburbia CT USA
quovadis13 4382-2369-4585 Mark Windsor ON Canada
Rakai 2793-1008-1777 Rakai Chicago IL USA
rodneyblast 1375-7735-5702 McGregor Atlanta GA USA
Ruins 1891-1564-8812 Zakku Baltimore MD USA
shadydentist 3995-7152-0326 Robocop Ithaca NY USA
Sonork 1032-1638-7481 Sonork Vancouver BC Canada
Squirrel Rancher 4854-6868-8473 Squirrel Walnut Creek CA USA
Tal 0473-8269-4672 Cuddles Los Angeles CA USA
TAYREL_713 0430-8660-6280 *TEE* Lakewood OH USA
TheStig 5241-2326-8754 TheStig Sacramento CA USA
thunderswine 3952-7422-1493 Zach Gadsden AL USA
TyrantCow 4554-0365-6572 Andrew Fort Collins CO USA
Urahonky 3652-0941-9527 Honky Dayton OH USA
Variable 1805-2555-7292 John Kearny NJ USA
Vray 1547-5619-5318 Kurt Kingsport TN USA
ZackSchilling 4811-7604-8546 Zack Northern NY USA
Zorak15 2921-9520-8039 Scott Portland OR USA
Aegis 2750-1883-0814 Shaun Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
pheezer 5370-0888-9640 Ryan Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Hey You 2664-2836-6819 Josh NY NY USA
KapsLocked 1032-1644-0512 SpecK Seattle WA USA
Imperious 3136-7532-3446 Imperious Seattle WA USA



Forum Name Friend Code Mii Name Country
Icon 2105-8992-2542 JasOn Australia
Marlor 1332-8060-5236 Aaron Australia
PotU 3050-7719-9166 Robbie Austria
Joril 0130-2047-4976 Thomas Belgium
Lizz the Blizz 3136-6949-5475 Lizz Belgium
Peewi 4725-8079-9948 Lau Denmark
Arcangeli 1118-0362-3770 Rob England
Bad-Beat 1762-2814-4343 Deano England
Cullen 0087-2509-5033 Cullen England
Foddeh 4296-3356-4107 Foddeh England
Jam Warrior 2621-2748-7675 JamWarrior England
John Zoidberg 4124-5213-1988 Carl England
Lave 4253-3623-1340 Will England
Mangaroo 3909-7619-8879 Yasir England
MichaelJWilliams 0044-3179-5815 Michael England
Mr_Grinch 0387-8915-2376 Kie England
Phnx 4596-9606-9108 Riko England
Smokealbert 5026-4635-6662 Pete England
Xagarath 1762-2810-1175 Ben England
Zwa 1289-8324-4288 Ali England
Elkatas 4124-5126- 3401 Teppo Finland
DuckterPepper 1203-9340-5814 Manu Germany
Joe Dizzy 0903-3103-6341 Georgios Germany
Psykmoe 0473-8069-1492 Mücke Germany
Yü-Gung 0216-0916-7239 Yü-Gung Netherlands
Kaimaka 2406-5797-8088 Kaimaka New Zealand
Rotam 0216-0936-2692 Adam Ireland
Zilart 0989-1873-4448 Zilart Norway


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